Today is the first day to vote, and tonight we kickoff early vote with a rally at Victory Grill! U.S. Senate Candidate State Representative Rick Noriega will be in town for our early voting kickoff, with live music by W.C. Clark.Early Vote Kickoff RallyMonday, October 205:00 - 8:00pmGuest Speaker - Rick NoriegaLive Music - W.C. ClarkVictory Grill1104 East 11thToday is the first day that you can vote. Tens of thousands of new voters in Travis County are expected to cast a ballot, and with your help, we can make sure they know how and where to vote. The other side is already playing dirty tricks. They are trying to deceive voters and spread misinformation about the voting process.A false rumor is going around by e-mail telling people that if they vote Straight Democratic Party, they must also cast a vote specifically for Barack Obama in order to have an Obama vote registered. THAT IS FALSE! If you vote straight ticket, you are voting for every Democrat from the courthouse to the White House. If you have questions, visit the Texas Democratic Party website or call 472-8683. This e-mail shows how far the other side is willing to go to keep you from voting for whom you want. You can empower others and ensure Democrats win. Vote Early- Record numbers of voters in Travis County are expected. You can avoid lines by voting early. Please vote early during the early voting period as line will be come longer as time goes on. We have even put together a map listing all of the early vote locations so you can find the one closest to you!
Volunteer- Over 30,000 people registered to vote in Austin between May and October. That means there are 30,000 new people we need to talk to and let them know about our great judicial candidates, state representatives, county commissioners and more. Your help is needed, so please sign up to volunteer online or come by 1107 N. I-35 and make a difference today.
Donate - Your financial support is vital. Every dollar we raise goes directly to talking to voters on the phone, online, through mail, and at their doors. Every dollar helps and it's never too late to donate to the Travis County Democratic Party.
Talk to Your Friends - Tell your friends to vote early and help out. Tell your friends they can vote straight ticket. Tell them why it is important to vote. Talk to the people you care about, about what's at stake. You are the most powerful advocate that your friends and family members know.
Curb the Deceptive E-mails - In order to curb this deceptive e-mail circulating around Texas, please tell all your friends to look at the following visit this special website.
Help on Election Day- The Travis County Elections Division is expecting an 80% turnout in Travis County. We need your help on Election Day. Vote early, and consider spending part or all of Election Day with the Travis County Democratic Party.Early Vote starts today and ends on October 31. You can vote at any early voting location in Travis County. Make sure you vote early and then please assist us on Election Day or before. With your help, we will Turn Texas Blue!
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they are supposed to run wild, until they find someone, just as wild to run with!"
About Me

- katalinaTX
- I'm a habitual line crosser that believes everything happens for a reason, but life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances, you just have to live life to the fullest. Laugh as much as you can, spend all your money, tell someone what they mean to you, tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, love the ones who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, pig out, smile until your face hurts, be a flirt, stay up late and fall asleep watching the sun come up, don't be aftraid to take chances or fall in love . . . and most of all live in the moment, If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. No one said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
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